7th grade year

When I first came in through those front doors, it was a whole new world. There were hallways full of students, stacks of papers of worksheets or homework, hard assignments, and hour later lunchtime. First day of school in English we had to write a “letter” about what we did over the summer and turn it in by the following Thursday. It may not seem hard but I think they shouldn’t give out assignments on the very first day so school.

Almost every day I’ve stayed up past at least 10 pm for HW/studying for hard tests, then waking up at 5 in the morning to get ready for the day. Every day when I get home, I know I’ve got the same story, Check the calender for every class and get started on what every impossible assignment I have to do that day.

It is now May, finally and the year is practically over and forgotten. Only got 2 more weeks left and there’s STILL loads of work. Also there’s another problem, find or complete missing assignments, and I’ve got a staggering number. Now I’ve got more worrying about all this other stuff that’s stuck inside my mind.

So yeah, that’s it.

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